The body feels less fit, especially coupled with the number of scales that are increasingly shifted to the right, of course, make anyone start thinking about ways to improve eating patterns, is no exception to consume the fruit juice for a healthy diet.The health of our body is very dependent on what we consume, as the saying goes “you are what you eat” or “You are what You eat”. At the present time it is very easy for us to get the food although delicious on the tongue but did not bring benefits to the body. If food-food as it is consumed continuously, the body becomes more easily store fat, get tired easily while doing the activity, and ultimately susceptible to the disease.
Some people felt disturbed by the excess weight because they feel less beautiful. In addition, a person who is experiencing excess weight will be more easily tired in doing the activity of the day-to-day, even its motion can be so limited. As a consequence, many people who choose a shortcut to weight loss through extreme diets and drugs.
The benefits of Fruit Juice to Diet: Ranging from Digestion to Detoxification
Many forget that the excess weight is just a consequence of unhealthy eating patterns. So, an appropriate way of handling it is not focused on weight loss as much as possible and/or in a short time. Pattern eat should first be addressed.
What's the point managed to lose weight fast if the body is just stuck in more serious health problems (due to extreme dieting)? What's the point anyway managed to lose weight in a short time if diet is not addressed, which allows the weight quickly rose again to the numbers originally?
How healthy the efficacy of the fruit juice to the diet? Already not be a secret anymore if the fruit contains vitamins, minerals, and fiber needed by the body. One of the ways of working of fruit juice is to cleanse the digestive system. The content of fiber and water in fruit juice will help soften the stool so it is easier to get out. Digestion making the stomach look slim because of the absence of accumulation in the large intestine.
Digestion is not smooth (dirt buildup in the colon that should be removed) make the body has time to ‘absorb’ toxins from the impurities that should be removed. As a result, the health of the skin is disrupted. Skin can become dull and acne-prone skin. Then, here the role of fruit juice to the diet not only facilitate digestion, but also lightens the skin (in addition to indeed, fruit contains antioxidants which can make the skin more healthy and fresh).
The Diet should not only aim to shed fat and lose weight, but more as a process of detoxification to remove the toxins previously accumulated in the body. Toxins in our body can come from anywhere, such as for example pollution, smoking, exposure to chemical substances, or preservatives/dyes in the food. We do not realize it because of the absence of signs and symptoms whatsoever. Fruit juice to the diet can help the body excrete toxic substances that such dangerous, so the body becomes more healthy.
Seven Kinds of Fruit Juices to the Diet For Seven Days
Ideally human consuming 2 fresh fruits and 3 to 4 vegetables per day. Types of fruit and vegetables should be varied so we get a mixture of vitamin and mineral rich. Experts suggest that although running the program of diet, amount of calories should remain sufficient. Pure fruit juice contains more calories compared to if the juice of the fruit combined with vegetables. That's what we'll do: combine fruit and vegetables to be processed into seven kinds of juice that varies that can be consumed during the seven days.
Each recipe fruit juice to the diet the following meet roughly a quarter of the needs of fruit and vegetable daily. Diet Program will be excruciating and boring if there is absolutely no food or drink that taste good on the tongue doesn't it? A mixture of fruit juice and vegetable is not only bring great health benefits, but also delicious and fresh so that Your diet program can be run with more fun.
- First day: green Juice
The combination of celery and parsley produce apigenin, which help destroy cancer cells, according to research published by Ohio State University. If You are not so familiar with the taste that is produced from celery, You can mix it with tomatoes and cucumbers.
How to make green juice is quite easy. Simply provide tomatoes half a cup, cut chopped. In addition provide fresh celery 1 stalk cucumber 2 cups, cut into cubes. Make sure that before You wash clean of these materials. After that, put the tomatoes, celery, and cucumbers into a blender. Blender until smooth and evenly mixed. Pour into a glass. Green juice You can instantly enjoy.
- Day two: tomato Juice-vegetables
Vegetables can enrich the benefits of the vitamins and minerals You get from fruit juice to the diet. Tomatoes are one of the types of fruit that can be combined with just about any vegetable such as carrots, spinach, celery, or beets.
Experts recommend to cook the first of the tomatoes before you process them into juice.This is because tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant substance that gives the red color in some types of fruit and vegetable. In addition to acting as an antioxidant that minimizes the effects of free radicals on our body cells, lycopene also contains anticancer and cholesterol-lowering.
The tomatoes are cooked first will be a source of lycopene that is more rich than that eaten in the raw condition, similarly as quoted from the opinion of Sharon Natoli, a nutritionist fromFood and Nutrition Australia. This is because the cooking process will break down the cell walls of plants so that the nutrients it contains will be more easily digested by the digestive system.
Based on research published by the Agriculture and Food Chemistry, cooked tomatoes for 15 minutes can increase the levels of likopennya up to 171%. For that, before process them into juice, You can cook the tomatoes first good with how to boil or steam them.
- Day three: strawberry Juice-cucumber
Choice of fruit juice to the diet the next one is a combination between a strawberry with cucumber. Strawberry, as with any group other berries, contains a lot of flavonoids, components that help reduce the risk of heart attack in women young and middle age as much as up to 32 percent. Flavonoid quercetin contained in the strawberry is a substance natural anti-inflammatory that can help reduce the risk of someone developing atherosclerosis and protect blood vessels from damage caused by the buildup of fat and cholesterol.
Along with the flavonoid quercetin, the polyphenol content in strawberry to strengthen the efficacy of strawberry to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by preventing abnormal blood clotting and lowers blood pressure. While cucumbers can be a source of vitamin K which is important for maintaining bone health. In addition, cucumber can also be used to help rehydrate the body by because the water content is high, which seemed from the taste of the cucumbers are fresh and very juicy.
- Fourth day: blueberry Juice-cabbage
Up here the forehead You may be crimped. Yes, blueberries are often used as an alternative to fruit juice to diet. But is it true that cabbage can be processed into juice? You are not wrong. Cabbage, especially red cabbage can be a combination of the right to ‘accompany’ the blueberry in one glass of the same. In the previous point has been briefly stated that the fruit group berry (no exception blueberry) contain flavonoids that may protect blood vessels from possible attacks of cardiovascular diseases.
The combination of blueberries and cabbage will bring tremendous benefits for the health of the heart and blood vessels because red cabbage have similar benefits. In the red cabbage contained the compound anthocyanin which is able to protect blood vessels and the heart and nourishes the red blood cells to stay healthy. Antioxidant levels in the blood was found to be increased along with the intake of red cabbage. On the contrary, the levels of Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL; or what is commonly called the lay community as the “bad cholesterol”) decreased.
- Fifth day: apple Juice-spinach
Not fond of spinach? You can neutralize it by adding apples and process them as a combination of fruit juice to the diet. The proverb that reads “eat one apple a day, keep the disease away (take one apple a day will banish the disease that came)” it seems that it is true.
Apples contain the antioxidant quercetin which is in charge of improving and maintaining endurance as well as help the liver in performs the function of detoxification. The high fiber content in apples makes it ideal as one of the options of the fruit to facilitate digestion and maintain an ideal body weight. Apples are also very good for brain health, which makes the risk of someone developing Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's decline.
So what about the spinach? Well, do You remember the cartoon character Popeye the sailor, which grow stronger every time he ate spinach? It turns out that the cartoon series was made based on the real benefits that exist on the spinach itself.
Spinach contains a lot of vitamin K which plays a role in the formation of a protein constituent of bone, enhance calcium absorption, and prevent the body does not dispose of the calcium too quickly. Vitamin K deficiency is associated with an increased risk of fractures. If You want to be strong like Popeye, don't hesitate to eat spinach yes!
- Sixth day: ginger Juice-red beet
Want to feel more energized in doing daily activities? Consumption of beetroot red in the form of fruit juice to the diet is the right choice. In undergoing a diet program, the person should not be to necessarily eliminate the intake of carbohydrates altogether. This is because carbohydrates provide energy for the body to perform metabolic processes. So, when the body lacks carbohydrates, the body functions don't go well. The body's need for carbohydrates can be satisfied one by consuming beetroot red.
While ginger has long been known to us as spices that can make the body warm especially in cold weather, make the stomach feels comfortable, and help cure the flu. Combine sweet red beets with ginger will produce a flavor unique and special.
- The seventh day: carrot Juice-orange
This is a combination of fruit juice to the diet which has been widely known. A combination of carrot and orange meet almost 60% of the body's daily requirement of vitamin C. By drinking a combination of carrot juice and orange, the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood will also decrease. It? Once try, You will definitely instantly hooked!
That's a combination of fruit and vegetable can be processed into fruit juice to the diet. Now You have seven recipes fruit juice to be consumed every day. Nevertheless, do not forget to consume fruits and vegetables in the form of wholeness, in anticipation of the nutrients lost in the manufacturing process. Good luck !