it's story time again I want to talk about today how I healed my son's eczema actually two of them using the GAPS diet and so we've talked about how we did the GAPS diet originally for autism recovery and we've also talked about how I healed my dairy allergy with the GAPS diet and today we're talking about eczema.
So eczema is something that it affects so many of our kids and I believe it's like increasing its almost every kid or every family I feel like. I see almost every family I feel like someone in there has some skin issue or eczema.
And it's something that it's like it's not life-threatening but it's so inconvenient it's gonna distract them in the classroom it's gonna distract them when they're on the playground they're not gonna be able to be engaged and like focused in their work.
And this is something I saw it happen with my first son my daughter was fine no eczema but she's the one who had autism and then he was born two years later and he's right as a newborn he started developing eczema and I was just like why is this it was on his trunk he was probably like I don't know a month old six weeks old and just like a little scaly patch and I'm like ah I don't know maybe it's because of our water change or something I put a filter on the shower and I made sure I like filtered the water before I gave him a bath and as a new born like I don't bathe my newborn to time so this was probably only once a week and it just like kept getting worse and it was all over his trunk and then I thought like I was using wool um diaper covers and so I thought maybe he's allergic to wool and so I switch edit out and I put um I put him in disposable seeing if that would help and it wasn't it wasn't an allergy like a topical allergy to anything I was doing I already put him in all cotton because my daughter was sensitive to polyester so I just started him out in all cotton and so it wasn't that and really can it just kept getting worse no matter what I was doing ice putting coconut oil on it because that's what we do we put coconut oil and everything and I was reading online and finally it was a couple days after it started and after it started spreading and I could tell it wasn't an allergy to something it was eczema and so I looked it up and I didn't have eczema and I didn't really have any experience with it so just reading through a web D and what they suggested and so we did like lukewarm baths and it just kept getting worse and worse and finally because I knew that I had problems with theory like at the time I couldn't have more than a Serbian if dairy or so without getting a sinus infection I talked about this in my in my food other and you've been here that's back there is um I knew that I was sensitive to Darius and I'm like I should probably just like completely cut out dairy and it waseverything it was like even butter he was just like super sent and this is allthrough my milk so I couldn't even have butter so I did use coconut oilum when I was a very good cook allergy friendly cook at the time so it's usingcoconut oil and like eating eggs and corn tortillas was kind of my my go-toof no dairy not even traces of dairy and it cleanup cleared up and so I just kindof went on with that I'm along nurser and so he nursed well into toddlerhoodand when he was a year old or right before he turned a year old we starteddoing the gaps diet for my daughter who had autism and because he my kids don'tstart solid soon I don't know why they just like they liked a nurse and he wasa big boy he was like 11 pounds at birth he was always been at the top of thegrowth chart and all of that but he seemed to grow just fine on my milk withno other problems and less the eczema didn't come back and he was likedevelopment developing on track and everything unless I ate dairy like acouple times we went out to eat at someone else's house and I was still alittle bit unsure of myself and too shy and I didn't I still I ate theorybecause that's what they served and it definitely affected him for the coupledays after that it would take it like three or four days to clear again afterI ate dairy so he at almost a year old is when I started her on the gaps dietand I started it along with her which it's not recommended to do it whileyou're nursing and you'll see and a lot of my videos I do a lot of this do as Isay not as I do but I wanted her to try itfor reasons that are detailed in the autism video it was it was a pretty likecrisis situation for me I needed to get her autism symptoms under control I washaving like a really hard time keeping it together and I did but I don't wishto digress I did the intro diet which is incredibly intensive got healing dietand I just went ahead and fed him what I was feeding her I just kind of did thatas they were little growing up as I didn't make two separate foods like if Imade pureed squash for her then he would get a few bites of pureed squash hedidn't eat a whole lot of solids even at 11 months and this is up until he wasjust over a year probably thirteen months is when they went off the gapsdiet and I took him off the gaps diet and so during his first foods were allgaps intro foods I was eating the gaps and Joe and healing my gut and he wasgetting the probiotics and all of those really nourishing foods through my milkand so after that I tried introducing dairy into my diet and he didn't have areaction so this is six weeks into the gap Center diet as I had transitionedoff and he didn't have a reaction to the dairy in my milk and so after that Itried giving him like a little bit of shredded cheese he didn't have areaction to the shredded cheese and this is something that even six weeks beforehe had been having a reaction to me eating any trace amount of dairy comingthrough my milk and so that's just the power of healing the guthow eczema is sort of I found it originated in the gut and what we hadfound for dairy for healing a dairy allergy which presented and me as sorrywhich presented in me as sinus infections and hives and presented inhim as eczema and so this is something that's great I've noticed that if hisdiet he's not know if his diet gets carb heavy or I'm not including theprobiotics and the meat stock which is really a key component to the gaps diethe will get bumps on his skin like his skin turns more rough that's kind of myfirst sign that I need to up the nutrients in his diet but he's never hadthat exam and it's been eight years now so that isare we reversed eczema with the caps diet if this is something that you'dlike to do as well when you're ready to get started my gut healing starterpackage or you can just do the ebook which is the 30 days on the gapsintroduction diet pretty much exactly what we used we've done into a fewdifferent times and I'll talk about my next then same thingeczema food allergy gaps diet yeah and then he's been fine but the 30 days onthe Gap Center diet is exactly what we do at super intense but it's supereffective and the gut healing starter pack gives you a lot more support easingonto the gaps diet dealing with picky eaters dealing with other people dealingwith emotions and then it has like five six months of meal plans in there aswell so if that's something you'd like to dogo ahead and click below I'd love to have you and we will talk again soonthanks for joining me all right